So Ahnold and Maria broke up and shockingly, the Governator was soon after implicated in extreme douchiness for Classic Boy Shit. An affair. A love child. And supposedly said love child was born within days of Maria's youngest child?
I've had this conversation with girlfriends before, regarding elected officials: no one's a saint, right? Just because a guy's an absolute dog in his real life doesn't mean he won't do a good job in office. We shouldn't hold it against him.
But I kind of do.
Because, hello. It's gross. If a guy can't respect his own wife with fidelity, are we to believe he'll do the honorable thing on behalf of his constituents?
Why do boys, especially famous ones, think it's okay to disregard human decency? Not that Mrs. Garish behaved any better in this scenario. But it's like they think their penises are extra-special by association with power and fame. The Governator, John Edwards, Jesse James. Jude Law (why, Jude, why?). Countless examples. Even, dareIsay, Dr. King. Yeah. The same one we all quote, seek to emulate and otherwise revere for his humanitarian ideals? Apparently he couldn't keep it in his pants out of love and respect for his marriage, either.
But we worship them anyway. And everyone knows in spite of this recent fiasco, Ahnold will be back. In the spotlight soon enough for his latest movie featuring blown-up shit.

Whatever, dude. It ain't that big.
photo cred: edjane obama