Look, I can't possibly comprehend all the ins and outs of how and why exactly the world's economy crashed back in 2008 and never recovered. But I strongly suspect boys are to blame. Were any girls ever mentioned in news articles highlighting the greed, corruption and bad decision-making that led to said crash. No. It was boys. Always boys.
Here is what I do know. In 2005, I bought a house. I now look back at that decision with derision, regret and a sense of whathefuck-was-I-thinking. But then I remember that in 2005, purchasing a house was an actual investment. Renting felt a lot like shoving a wad of bills down the commode with a ceremonious wave and flush. Buying seemed like the smart thing to do. It did not seem at all like what it actually was, i.e. adopting an albatross to take up permanent residence on my back.
Now I'm stuck with a house I couldn't sell - couldn't give away. Turned into a rental property occupied by mentally questionable family members who were, like, number 2 on the list entitled Reasons to Move the Fuck Out of Here. And the albatross is now digging his claws in super-deep with issues like outdated-everything and no-long-term-investment-potential-whatsoever and fucking-broken-air-conditioning.
So thanks a lot, corrupted, greedy and stupid boys. For fucking up the economy and killing any and all hopes for economic prosperity - no, stability - for the rest of my life. Asshats.

A boy flirting with an albatross. FFS. Why am I not surprised.
photo cred: Chantal Steyn